Notice of Capital and Business Alliance with NanoCarrier Co., Ltd.

IPGaia, Inc., (“IPG”) has already concluded a comprehensive business alliance agreement with NanoCarrier Co., Ltd.(“NanoCarrier”) to assume NanoCarrier’s business development function (effective date: March 14, 2023). In order to further strengthen the alliance between the two companies, IPG hereby announces that it has decided to acquire NanoCarrier’s stock acquisition rights through a third-party allotment. Yasunori Yamaguchi, IPG President and CEO, said, “Through this comprehensive business alliance with NanoCarrier since March, IP Gaia is proud to be able to enhance its corporate value as a partner in all business development activities through leveraging IPG’s network, IPG’s established mechanism to capture projects that have been suspended by pharmaceutical companies for strategic reasons …

IPGaia, Inc. and UC San Diego Announce Master Collaborative Research and Development Agreement

IPGaia, Inc., (“IPG”) and University of California San Diego (“UC San Diego”), based in La Jolla, California, USA, have entered into a Master Collaborative Research and Development Agreement (“this agreement”) dated July 1st, 2022. This agreement establishes a formal framework for the incorporation of promising drug target leads from UC San Diego into IPG’s drug discovery platform.   Following UC San Diego’s strong history of partnering with industry to advance drug discovery, the program enables UC San Diego to propose drug targets to IPG for identification and development of lead compounds or modalities with the goal of licensing clinical development candidates to pharmaceutical companies. For patients, personalized medicine holds great …

Notice of Company Name Change and New President & CEO Assume Office

IP Generator, Inc. (Headquarter: Minato Tokyo, President & CEO: Satoru Iino) will change its name to the following as of July 1, 2022, to further strengthen its business foundation with a new management team. 1. Company Name Change New company name:IPGaia, Inc. (Hereinafter, “IPG”) Background :”Gaia” is a primordial god that has existed since the beginning of the world in ancient Greek mythology. We have decided to name our company “IP Gaia” with the passion to contribute to society by improving medical access and reducing medical costs as a drug discovery platformer that efficiently generates high-quality clinical development candidates from drug seeds, which is a new beginning in Japan. 2. …